Policies & Procedures
For any Policy & Procedures that has multiple attachments you can click on the Section title to review and select the attachment you need.
1. ADMINISTRATION OF POLICIES (click for online preview)
101.001 General Responsibilities for Administration of Personnel Programs
102.001 General Definitions
103.001 Acceptable Usage of Information Technology Resources
(1 attachment) (rev. 4 02/13/23)
104.001 Electronic Signatures/Electronic Records (Superseded and replaced by Administrative Directive No. 16-01, 2/11/16, “eSign (Electronic Signature) Technology“)
2. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION (click for online preview)
200.001 Position Classification and Compensation System
200.002 Basic Policies and Practices in Position Classification
200.003 Effective Dates of Classification Actions (rev. 10/27/03)
200.004 Establishment of Minimum Qualifications Requirements (3 attachments)
(Attch. A-1, Attch. A, & Attch. B)
200.005 Establishment of Selective Certification Requirements (7 attachments)
(rev. 4/2/19) (Attch. A, Attch. B, Attch. C, Attch. D, Attch. E, Attch. F, & Attch. G)
200.006 Position Classification Delegation of Authority to Departments (2 attachments) (rev. 10/11/16)
(Attch. A & Attch. B)
200.007 Temporary Reallocation of Civil Service Positions
200.008 Administrative Review of Classification Actions (1 attachment) (rev. 3/30/07)
201.001 EMCP Performance Evaluation and Variable Pay
201.002 Hiring Rates (rev. 10/5/20)
201.003 Shortage Category for Civil Service Positions and Employees (rev. 10/24/11)
201.004 Recruitment Incentives for Civil Service Positions (1 attachment) (rev. 10/27/03)
201.005 Administrative Review of Initial Pricing of Civil Service Classes
(1 attachment) (rev. 10/27/03)
201.006 Performance Incentives (2 attachments) (rev. 1/13/20)
(Attch. 1 & Attch. 2)
201.007 Periodic Repricing Review
201.008 Recruitment and Appointment Above the Minimum Pay Rate (1 attachment) (rev. 2/1/19)
201.009 Flexible Hiring Rates – BU 3, 4 and 13 (1 attachment) (rev. 7/01/23)
(Attch. 1 Excel Version) (rev. 7/01/23)
201.010 Compensation Program for Excluded Managerial Compensation Plan Employees
(Attch. A, Attch. B/Salary Matrix, Attach. C/Professional Growth, Attach. D/Retention, & Attach. E/Internal Alignment)
3. STAFFING (click for online preview)
300.001 Types of Appointments (4 attachments) (rev. 03/01/21)
(Attch. A, Attch. B, Attch. C, & Attch. D)
300.003 Competitive Recruitment for Civil Service Positions (rev. 9/28/16)
300.004 Employment of Persons with Significant Disabilities for Selective
State Employment (4 attachments)
(Attch. A, Attch. B, Attch. C, & Attch. D)
301.001 Certification of Eligibles for Civil Service Positions (rev. 10/27/03)
301.003 Pre-Employment Procedures for Processing Employees Who Require
Unescorted Access to Airport Security Identification Display Areas (SIDAs)
(3 attachments) (Attch. A, Attch. B, & Attch. C)
301.005 Medical, Physical and Mental health Requirements for Employment
301.006 New Probation Period (rev. 10/27/03)
301.007 Suitability Investigations (4 attachments) (Attch. A, Attch. B, Attch. C, & Attch. D)
4. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (click for online preview)
400.001 Employee Training and Development (2 attachments) (rev. 02/24/20)
(Attch. A & Attch. B)
401.001 Student Intern Program (4 attachments) (Attch. 1, Attch. 2, Attch. 3, & Attch. 4)
5. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND BENEFITS (click for online preview)
501.002 Department-Directed Leave (1 attachment) (rev. 05/29/15)
501.004 Parent-Teacher Conference Leave (1 attachment) (rev. 04/13/12)
501.005 Disaster Relief Leave (1 attachment)
501.006 Victims Protections (2 forms) (rev. 02/06/12) (Form VP-1 & Form VP-2)
502.005 Flexible Working Hours
502.006 Resource for Employee Assistance and Counseling Help (REACH) Program
(rev. 04/16/12)
6. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (click for online preview)
601.001 Discrimination/Harassment-Free Workplace Policy (rev. 11/16/16) (Attch. A & Attch. B)
601.002 Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities
(Attch. A) (rev. 11/4/15)
7. PERSONNEL INFORMATION, RECORDS & REPORTING (click for online preview)
700.001 Pay Administration
701.001 Official Personnel Folders (5 attachments)
(Attch. 1, Attch. 2, Attch. 3, Attch. 4, & Attch. 5)
701.002 Employment-Related Personnel Files (2 attachments) (Attch. 1 & Attch. 2)
702.001 Temporary Inter- and Intra-Governmental Assignments and Exchanges
(1 attachment) (rev. 8/17/11)
702.003 Separation From Service (rev. 8/15/16)
8. HEALTH AND SAFETY (click for online preview)
800.002 Workplace Violence Program (6 attachments) (rev. 02/15/12)
(Attch. A, Attch. B, Attch. C, Form 416, Form 417, & Workplace Violence Action Plan)
900.001 Supervisor’s Accident Report Form (2 attachments) (Attch. A & Attch. B)
902.001 Return to Work Priority Program (10 attachments) (rev. 10/27/03)
(Attch. A, Attch. B-1, Attch. B-2, Attch. C, Attch. D, Attch. E, Attch. F,
Attch. G-1, Attch. G-2, & Attch. G-3)
10. EXEMPT AND APPOINTED EMPLOYEES (click for online preview)
1000.001 Exempt Service (2 attachments) (Attch. A & Attch. B) (rev. 8/15/16)
1000.002 Appointment of Exempt Employees to Replacement Civil Service Positions
(rev. 11/30/11)
1000.004 Medical, Physical, and Medical Health Requirements for Exempt Employees (Superseded and replaced by Policy No. 301.005, rev. 08/14/14, “Medical, Physical and Mental Health Requirements for Employment“)
The State of Hawai‘i Human Resources System Policies & Procedures are promulgated by the Department of Human Resources Development, as authorized by the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes. Policies and Procedures may be revised from time to time. A revised policy or procedure shall supersede any previous policy or procedure on the same subject matter. Individual departments may issue internal policies and procedures, to the extent they do not supersede or negate those issued by the Department of Human Resources Development.
Office of the Director, State of Hawai‘i, Department of Human Resources Development
235 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813