Contact Info for DHRD

Office of the Director808-587-1100None[email protected]
Equal Employment Opportunity Office808-587-1162None[email protected]
Employee Staffing Division
State Recruiting Office808-587-1111808-587-1003[email protected]
Employee Relations Division
Classification808-587-1010None[email protected]
Employee Assistance Office808-587-1075808-587-1107[email protected]
Personnel Transactions Office808-587-1056808-587-1088[email protected]
Training Office808-587-1050None[email protected]
Employee Claims Division
Claims (Workers’ Compensation)808-587-0900808-587-0888[email protected]
Safety/Return to Work808-587-0900808-587-0888[email protected]
Labor Relations Division
Labor Relations808-587-0911808-587-0930[email protected]

Current State of Hawai‘i employees, who are not represented by a union, are welcome to use this email address [email protected] to provide input to DHRD on compensation, benefits, terms and conditions of employment.

Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA)

Point of Contact:
Brian K. Furuto, UIPA Coordinator
Elena Murayama, UIPA Request Recipient

Email Address:
[email protected]

Mailing Address:  
State of Hawaii – Department of Human Resources Development
235 South Beretania Street Room 1400
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813