State of Hawai‘i – Departments
Office of the Governor – Josh B. Green, M.D., Governor
The Governor is the chief executive of the State of Hawai‘i and ensures that all laws of the state are executed. The Governor is responsible for state agencies, as well as establishing the goals of the state and outlines ways to reach those goals.
Office of the Lt. Governor – Sylvia Luke, Lt. Governor
The Lt. Governor serves as Secretary of State for intergovernmental relations of the State of Hawai‘i, and leads the Hawai‘i Fair Share Initiative. Additionally, the Lt. Governor acts in place of the Governor when the Governor is out of state.
Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS)
DAGS is responsible for managing and supervising a wide range of State programs and activities.
Keith Regan, Comptroller
Meoh-Ling Silliman, Deputy Comptroller
Department of Agriculture (DOA)
The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture works to support, enhance and promote Hawai‘i’s agriculture and aquaculture industries.
Sharon Hurd, Chairperson
Dean Matsukawa, Deputy to the Chair (Acting)
Department of the Attorney General (AG)
The Attorney General is the chief legal officer and chief law enforcement officer of the State of Hawai‘i.
Anne Lopez, Attorney General
Matthew Dvonch, First Deputy Attorney General
Department of Budget and Finance (B&F)
The Department of Budget and Finance develops near- and long-term financial plans and strategies for the State, and provides programs for the improvement of management and financial management of State agencies.
Luis Salaveria, Director of Finance
Sabrina Nasir, Deputy Director
Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT)
The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism is Hawai‘i’s resource center for economic and statistical data, business development opportunities, energy and conservation information, and foreign trade advantages.
James Kunane Tokioka, Director
Dane Wicker, Deputy Director
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA)
DCCA’s goals are to promote a strong and healthy business environment while protecting the community from unfair and deceptive business practices.
Nadine Ando, Director
Dean Hazama, Deputy Director
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR)
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation provides a secure correctional environment for comprehensive rehabilitative, holistic, and wraparound re-entry services, including culturally based approaches, to persons sentenced to our custody and care with professionalism, integrity, respect, and fairness.
Tommy Johnson, Director
Melanie Martin, Deputy Director of Administration
Sanna Muñoz, Deputy Director of Rehabilitation Services and Programs
Pamela Sturz, Deputy Director for Correctional Institutions
Department of Defense (DoD)
The mission of the State of Hawai‘i Department of Defense, which includes the Hawai‘i National Guard (HING) and State Civil Defense (SCD), is to assist authorities in providing for the safety, welfare, and defense of the people of Hawai‘i.
Major General Stephen Logan, Adjutant General and Director of Civil Defense
Brigadier General Phillip Mallory, Deputy Adjutant General (Acting)
Department of Education (DOE)
The commitment to a quality education for all of Hawai‘i’s children.
Keith Hayashi, Superintendent
Heidi Armstrong, Deputy Superintendent of Academics
Dean Uchida, Deputy Superintendent of Operations
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL)
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands is responsible for administering the Hawaiian home lands program as established by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana‘ole. DHHL continues to strive for Prince Kuhio’s vision of returning native Hawaiian people to the land and developing healthy, self-sufficient Hawaiian communities, through the many benefits and programs it offers.
Kali Watson, Chairperson
Katie Lambert, Deputy to the Chair
Department of Health (DOH)
The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawai‘i .
Kenneth “Kenny” Fink, M. D., Director
Valerie Kato, Deputy Director for Administration
Marian Tsuji, Deputy Director for Behavioral Health Administration
Kathleen Ho, Deputy Director for the Environmental Health Administration
Deborah Kim Morikawa, Deputy Director for Health Resources Administration
Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD)
The Department of Human Resources Development shall provide timely and responsive leadership, resources, and services to fully support the State in the recruitment, management, and retention of a high-performing workforce.
Brenna Hashimoto, Director
Brian Furuto, Deputy Director
Department of Human Services (DHS)
The Department of Human Services is committed to providing timely, efficient and effective programs, services and benefits that empower Hawaii’s most vulnerable people to expand their capacity for self-sufficiency, self-determination, independence, healthy choices, quality of life, and personal dignity.
Ryan Yamane, Director
Joseph Campos, Deputy Director
Trista Speer, Deputy Director
Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR)
The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) is responsible for ensuring and increasing the economic security, well-being, and productivity of Hawai‘i’s workers.
Jade Butay, Director
William Kunstman, Deputy Director
Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR)
The Department of Land and Natural Resources mission is to seek, develop, and implement cost-effective strategies for the long-term sustainable management, maintenance, protection and utilization of existing and potential ocean, land, natural and cultural resources of the state of Hawai‘i.
Dawn Chang, Chairperson
Ryan Kanaka’ole, First Deputy to the Chair
Ciara Kahahane, Deputy for the Commission on Water Resource Management
Department of Law Enforcement (DLE)
Department of Law Enforcement is the centralization of state law enforcement functions in Hawai‘i with the goal of enhancing public safety.
Mike Lambert, Director
Jared Redulla, Deputy Director of Law Enforcement
Michael Vincent, Deputy Director of Administration
Department of Taxation (DoTAX)
The mission of the Department of Taxation is to administer the tax laws for the State of Hawai‘i in a consistent, uniform, and fair manner.
Gary Suganuma, Director
Kristen Ross Sakamoto, Deputy Director
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Department of Transportation is responsible to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain State facilities in all modes of transportation, including air, water, and land. Coordination with other State, County, and Federal programs is maintained in order to achieve the objective.
Edwin Sniffen, Director
Dreanalee K. Kalili, Deputy Director for Harbors
Robin Shishido, Deputy Director for Highways
Curt Otaguro, Deputy Director for Airports
Tammy Lee, Deputy Director for Administration
University of Hawai‘i (UH)
The University of Hawai‘i System includes 10 campuses and dozens of educational, training and research centers across the Hawaiian Islands. As the public system of higher education in Hawai‘i, UH offers opportunities as unique and diverse as our Island home.
Wendy Hensel, President
Kalbert Young, Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer